Impressionism is born 150 years ago!
Impressionism emerged in 1873 thanks to Claude Monet, the creator of Impression, Sunrise, the defining work of this aesthetic of speed and vagueness. However, art historian Richard Brettell emphasized the diverse nature of Impressionism: some works are clearly impressions, like Monet's painting (a rapid, performative canvas), but most artists (Renoir, Degas, Caillebotte, Pissarro, Morisot, etc.) and paintings linked to this movement are better characterized by their taste for realistic or outdoor subjects from modern life (like crowds). As Auguste Renoir said, "One morning, one of us, lacking black, used blue: impressionism was born." Impressionism refers both to an aesthetic and an artistic movement. Aesthetically, it celebrates modernity, the outdoors, rapid brushwork, and vivid colors. Sociologically, it denotes a group of artists who exhibited together, apart from the official Salon, between 1874 and 1886. This group consisted mainly of Monet, Renoir, Degas, Pissarro, Caillebotte, Morisot, Cassatt, and others. In 1874, the group held its first exhibition in photographer Nadar's studio on Boulevard des Italiens in Paris. Monet displayed Impression, Sunrise, a manifesto of the rapid style. The work caused a sensation, with critics attacking these "scribblers." Impressionism (a name coined by a critic) was born! The group was quite diverse, ranging from Monet's landscapes to Degas and Caillebotte's more classical realism. However, the artists maintained good relations. Caillebotte, from a wealthy family, supported his friends by purchasing paintings and funding exhibitions. Impressionism likely could not have survived without dealer Paul Durand-Ruel, who represented artists like Monet. Many struggled financially as Parisians shunned impressionist works. Durand-Ruel brought Impressionism to America, where it found great success. After 1886, the group largely dissolved as each painter focused on their career. A new generation emerged, the Neo-Impressionists. However, Impressionism endured: Monet continued his important series, while Renoir returned to classical portraiture. © www.VWART.COM

Impressionism emerged in 1873 thanks to Claude Monet, the creator of Impression, Sunrise, the defining work of this aesthetic of speed...