Homage to Pierre Rosenberg
As an expert in old masters I want to make this homage page to an incredible art expert.
A video at the end of the page shows why this man is considered as a genius.
Commander of the Legion of Honor Knight of the National Order of Merit Commander of Arts and Letters Commander of the Academic Palms Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic Commander of the Order of Merit of the German Federal Republic Officer of the Order of Cultural Merit of the Principality of Monaco Art historian Biography Born in Paris on April 13, 1936, Pierre Rosenberg spent the war years in Lot-et-Garonne and Gironde. He owes his life to the peasants who sheltered his parents and knew how to protect him. He did his secondary studies at the Lycée Charlemagne in Paris. Law graduate, graduate of the upper section of the Louvre School, he entered the Department of Paintings of the Louvre Museum in 1962. He spent his entire career at The Louvre, from the position of assistant to that of heritage curator in charge of the department of paintings. In October 1994, he was appointed Chairman and Director of the Louvre Museum, which became a public institution in 1992. He left on April 13, 2001. From 1981 to 1993, he was curator of the National Museum of Franco-American Friendship in Blérancourt. A Focillon scholarship holder at Yale University in 1961-1962, he was invited to stay at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton in 1977 and the University of Cambridge (1987) as a slade professor . He held the chair of French painting at the Louvre school in 1970-1971. President of the Society for the History of French Art in 1982-1984, he was elected President of the French Committee for Art History in 1984. He is a member of the editorial board of the Revue de l'art since its founding in 1969, of xvii e siècle, of Print Quarterly , of Artibus et Historiae, of Dialoghi, of Museum Management and Curatorship, of the Louvre Review, from Burlington Magazine . He is a foreign member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, of the American Philosophical Society (Philadelphia), honorary fellow of the Royal Academy (London), foreign member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei and the Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, as well as the Accademia del Disegno (Florence), the Accademia Pietro Vanucci (Perugia), the Ateneo Veneto (Venice), the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti (Venice) and the Accademia Clementina (Bologna). He is president of the publishing house Arthena, and has been president of the Festival de l'histoire de l'art de Fontainebleau and of the Alliance Française in Venice. His work as an art historian focuses mainly on French and Italian drawing and painting of the 17th and 18th centuries as well as the history of collecting. He has written more than two hundred articles in the main specialized journals and collaborated with the Mixtures dedicated to our time's main French and foreign art historians (R. Bacou, J. Bialostocki, F. Bologna, R. Bossaglia, G. Briganti, R. Causa, A. Chastel, B. Foucart, M. Gregori, W. Hoffmann, M. Laclotte, H. Marx, K. Oberhuber, C. Pietrangeli, A. Popham, G. Previtali, M. Roethlisberger, A. Schnapper, S. Slive, Ch. Sterling, Ch. Thiem, M. Winner, P. Zampetti, F. Zeri, etc.) and has participated in some of the main French and international art history conferences of recent years (devoted to Watteau, Vouet, David, Titien, Léonard de Vinci, Callot, La Tour, Poussin, Caravaggio, Tintoretto, etc.). In April and May 1996, He delivered at the National Gallery in Washington the Mellon Lectures (which the predecessor of his predecessor at the Academy, Étienne Gilson, had given in 1955). His book Le Chat et la Palette (1987) has been translated into several languages, and his Dictionary of Love of the Louvre (2007). Pierre Rosenberg has organized a large number of exhibitions in France, Italy, Germany, England, the United States and Canada, and has written the catalogs, sometimes in their entirety. He also campaigned for the creation of the National Institute of Art History, and in favor of the teaching of art history in secondary schools. He published the catalogs raisonnés of drawings by Poussin, Watteau, and David, in collaboration with Louis Antoine Prat. After having published the catalogs raisonnés of paintings by Le Nain, Chardin, and Fragonard, he is preparing that of paintings by Poussin. He publishes the catalog of the collection of drawings by Pierre-Jean Mariette, whose volumes devoted to French and Spanish drawings have just been published (2019), He was elected to the French Academy on December 7, 1995, in the chair of Henri Gouhier (23 rd chair), and received on November 14, 1996 by José Cabanis. seen in Academie-Francaise.Fr video Rosenberg speaking about Poussin in England: link

As an expert in old masters I want to make this homage page to an incredible art expert. A video at the end of the page shows why this...